Τετάρτη, 3 Ιουλίου 2024

Τελευταία Ενημέρωση12:46:26 PM GMT

Βρισκεσαι στη σελιδα: ΜΙΑ ΚΡΗΤΗ ΔΕΛΤΙΑ ΤΥΠΟΥ «One Crete»!

«One Crete»!

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After decades of mismanagement of EU programs and funds, the biggest unresolved issues still stand, including production capacity, energy, water and waste management, spatial planning, protection of natural environment and culture. The two major political parties that have governed Greece, for the past 40 years, have not been held accountable for the development of Crete. Instead of exploring the opportunities and Crete’s unique features, such as its geographical position and natural wealth of the island, they surrendered to desertification and cementation. Young people are led to unemployment, the number of abandoned rural villages has increased, as the majority of the population migrates to cities, and therefore, social problems including crime proliferate. The Greek debt crisis, a result of political, social and ethical decadence, led to the creation of the “bail-out” agreement between the IMF, EU and ECB, which, of course, Greece is now totally dependent on. 

However, we believe that from this crisis, we can choose a new path, a path of inspiration and the strength to change. 

The municipality and regional plan of "Kallikratis" will not solve the basic problems of democracy and transparency. Instead of applying simple analogy, it will attempt to continue the traditional bad practices to concentrate power in the hands of the powerful party mechanisms, and that revives the Prefectures and localism.  

"Kallikratis" could be an opportunity for the reconstruction of administration, with clarity, by bringing in new faces, by regaining people’s trust to participate in politics in a constructive manner and of course, by denying the representatives of the political parties who have failed us, time and again, to continue with their failed practices. As the pre-election campaigns have shifted into full speed, promises are being made of special benefit packages for low income retirees and some categories of unemployed, as long as the current government wins. It is clear that they are interested in only one thing: and that is not losing their positions of authority, that intoxication of power, come election night. What will happen to the local communities after the elections is of little importance, given that they were solely planned as the means for the current government to stay in power indefinitely. However, tight austerity measures and public unrest that are brought by the debt crisis, only reinforce the premise that this was not the time for further expenditures; sadly it seems that our leaders don’t give a damn. 

On the positive side, for the first time, we can elect a Regional Governor and a Regional Council. These Regional elections are an opportunity to put aside the spidery ideas, make room for new social and political ideas, change and take charge of the course for our island. 

«One Crete»...
For all of us who created the independent Regional Citizens' Movement "One CRETE- Environment- Man", this is the time to act on our beliefs and visions that are expressed in our Statement. We are active citizens who share common concerns for the environment, society, labour, human rights and government, throughout the island, from Kavo Sidero, to Elafonissi. We believe real change is achieved with the co-operation of citizens and local communities of Crete, in a democratic manner to ensure positive outcome.

Plan for the Reconstruction of Crete


1 We are committed in addressing the problems of Crete, with plans that concern the island as a whole and with the participation of citizens in the decisions away from sterile debates, with decentralization, transparency and management control. The centre design revolves around the human and the natural environment. We can transform the island into radiant centre of culture, peace, prosperity and clean environment.
2 Achieving a sustainable economy, by supporting organic farming and entrepreneurship-friendly environment and natural resources. To enhance the production and consumption of local, quality products and offer quality services. To promote the traditional Cretan diet, to strengthen public health and the local economy. To diversify the current model of mass tourism to other forms of sustainable tourism, by highlighting products, environment and culture without harming the natural environment while creating jobs for local communities.
3 Without further delays, demanding the completion of the spatial and urban planning and zoning of land and forests, with proper identification of each location and activity, in order to minimize damage to the natural environment and ensuring a better quality of life in towns and villages. Promote public transport in cities and rural areas thus minimising the use personal transportation as little as possible.
4 To protect the natural environment through direct action on cross-compliance of biodiversity, landscape protection, rational water management, prevent desertification of soils. To help address the climate threat gradually replacing oil with renewable energy sources and saving in all areas of consumption, ex. at home, at work, adapting new measures in the construction field as well as, in the transport of materials. The introduction of proper planning, designing and mostly moderating, with respect to the landscape, the mountains and farmland. Waste management throughout the island, not in landfills and incinerators, but with the application of model reduction recycling and composting, as it is cost effective and help create more jobs.
5 Health services, social welfare and education should be public and be available to all. To take quick action to support those suffering from the economic crisis such as the unemployed, local farmers and agriculture, small businesses. To support systems such as local exchange, sustainable use of public spaces. To assist and upgrade education, research and cultural institutions and to strengthen environmental education from an early age. To reverse the abandonment of villages and agricultural land, by increasing activities and improving roads and other infrastructures. To defend human rights, to integrate socially weak groups, the disabled, Gypsies, refugees and immigrants.



If regionalism continues to dominate, no problems can be solved.  

We aim to be the majority in the region, with the participation of citizens in decision-making, the wealth brought by the movements of citizens, in environmental, social, cultural organizations, personalities of science, literature and art.

We prefer to talk about development progress, which requires effort, and stir away from scandals. Unplanned growth brings environmental degradation and harms the natural resources of water, soil, landscape.

So, the recent past serves as an indicator of how culture consumes. In today’s civilization the only path we believe in, is respect of the environment and natural recourses.

We act as a force of cooperation and creative activities through active citizenship and movements for the island.

We aim through the truth, through dialogue, to seek workable solutions and unity. We believe in solving the problems and not in pointing out the blame.

For us, these Regional elections are much more important than just acting as a referendum to condemn the government and the austerity measures. In these elections, the time has come for all active citizens, movements and local communities who want to be heard, who want to be part of the decision making and of course, be active in changing the course of Crete, by joining us. We operate in the true of democracy, where everyone has a voice and together we take the decisions. Our candidates are not appointed by the political parties, but are elected at our meetings. We use a common, understandable language, without populism, without hidden agendas, with-and- for all citizens. We welcome all people, regardless of the political parties they have supported, who feel betrayed by the politicians. We invite and welcome today’s youth that feel trapped in the system’s dominant political deadlock. The problems of our island are common to us all and should unite us. Serious issues, such as the road conditions, lack of quality in health services, public services, justice, etc, must be addressed through dialogue with local communities and ensure equal opportunities, and high quality services for all. We recognise our biggest enemy in the wrong doings of the past. It is time to denounce public corruption, bribery, etc, which has been the “norm” in order to get things done. Those methods must end giving way to clarity, equal opportunities, and non-discrimination for all.

It is a question of culture the way that man treats animals. Their carcasses left on the highways and roads, is barbaric, and danger to public health and ecological balance, as are the tragic conditions in many slaughterhouses in Crete, Illegal hunting with guns or poison, poaching and illegal fishing, need to be addressed by informing society, exercising control and by helping municipalities and animal welfare organizations to make a change.

We promote organic agriculture and farming on a large scale, and supporting traditional varieties. We strive to ensure the consumption of local, healthy, quality foods, first in schools, institutions and the army, then to shops and local bazaars, by encouraging the creation of new partnerships, networks between producers and consumers.
We view the family business as the backbone of the tourism economy, the basis of a truly sustainable development that highlights the nature of each region.
The northern Highway of Crete, and all the vertical paths to the south, has already exceeded its cost, by 5 to 6 times more than it would cost in any other country in Europe. Every year, dozens of people lose their lives, as the developers delay the proper completion of those roads. That must move quickly in respect to the safety of all residents of the island, and in respect to the landscape.

«One Crete» is a movement of people!
We are independent, concerned, active citizens from all over Crete, with common interest in protecting our common heritage. Our movement is of self-governing, equal citizens, independent and not related to any party. In "One Crete” we all participate as individuals and not as representatives of parties or other collective bodies. For those who are members of political parties are committed not to seek to enforce party decisions. "One Crete" aspires to lead the parties to acquire self-governing reason. Any support of other political parties does not undermine the independence or substitute for ownership. .....
